Stop worrying about what coaching tools & worksheets to use with your clients!

Each coaching worksheet comes with a relevant backstory and clear instructions on how to use it. This means you can do light-touch coaching sessions where the client does most of the heavy lifting. You are just there to guide them in the right direction.

For example, if a coaching client approaches you with a problem or you identify a problem they need help with you can…

  • coaching process

    STEP 01

    Find a suitable coaching worksheet that addresses the problem and then introduce it to your client. Explain its purpose (written in the introduction section of the tools) and WHY your client needs to do this exercise.

  • coaching process

    STEP 02

    Have the client follow the step-by-step process outlined in the tool. You can be as hands-on or hands-off as you like in your support. For best results, it’s advised for you to guide them through the process (answer clarifying questions etc.)

  • coaching process

    STEP 03

    Ask the client to think about what they learned from the exercise and discuss it with them. If they need more practice, you can have them repeat the exercise. After they complete the exercise, you can give them some homework or move on to the next exercise.

What people are saying about our coaching tools

We offer Done-For-You Brandable Coaching Tools, Worksheets & Exercises So You Can Focus On What You Do Best - Helping People!

Our coaching tools are a great addition to your toolbox and help you demonstrate TANGIBLE value for your clients. How’s that?

Once you get people to actually engage (physically writing or thinking) with a certain coaching tool - for example, the wheel of life, they become emotionally and physically invested in the process.

It’s sort of an IKEA effect, but instead of working on building furniture, they’re working on building their mindset.

Some of our most popular free coaching tools…

  • Free Wheel of Life Template

    Wheel of life is one of the most used tools in coaching with a really wide and versatile range of applications. Our’s is fully customizable.

  • Free Gratitude Worksheet

    Help your clients focus on all the good they have going on in their life to help bring about a change in attitude.

  • Goal Setting Worksheet

    Universal and fully customizable coaching tool to help people define their goals and required actions to reach them.

Featured Freebie

Featured Freebie

Our freebie of the month is The Feelings Wheel which you can edit in Canva! It’s the perfect addition to your toolbox if you’re a relationship coach (or any other type of coach) helping your clients make sense of their emotions.